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  • in reply to: Favourite spanky couple? #6113

    :slaphead: :slaphead: :slaphead: :slaphead: :slaphead: :slaphead:
    Hee – great icon Jacci! I love the comedy of this one too – it’s very Gibbs/Tony!

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6812

    LOLOLOL!!! Ah yes! If only Ziva had been the one in the casket – a huge amount of people would have cheered *g*.
    But this was just a very bad and pointless episode to my mind. Maybe I’ve just so lost the NCIS love that I wouldn’t care even if Gibbs hauled Tony over his lap, spanked him soundly, and then hauled him to his feet, kissed him, put a collar on him, attached a leash, and then dragged him home to bed to make wild passionate love to him.
    No…I think I WOULD actually care about that episode *g*. What I can’t care about is yet another boring ep where they’re where they have no jurisdiction to be, and we’re hit over the head with a great big message and three ludicrous pantomime villains. And where Princess Perfect has the company of Padre Perky in being an awesome WOMAN, just like Joan the FEMALE Marine (who can do boy stuff with trucks!) and Flores the OTHER female Marine, who is kind to small children.
    Whatever. >:(

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6810

    That’s wonderful news! I love the idea of the slavefic – I have one of my own I’d like to write at some point (definitely not gen though! LOL!). In fact I have about 4 fics backed up in my head and my main problem is deciding which one to write first. None of them is fanfic. Then there are the 2 Suits fics that keep pestering me too!!! And I love your Sick Day verse so I’d love to see more in that.
    I made a decision to find new shows too and it really paid off. Game of Thrones is WONDERFUL! I watched it all one weekend (during the broken leg!). A friend brought it over and we devoured it – we loved it! Can’t wait for the new season. I am also loving: Homeland, Revenge, Once Upon a Time and Dexter. I’m enjoying Grimm and Terra Nova. I feel like I’ve got lots of lovely shows now.
    I must admit I went off True Blood spectacularly in S4 and won’t watch it again. S1 – 3 are pretty good though! I watch The Mentalist but it’s very hit and miss. I feel it coasts a lot of the time without being anywhere near as good as it could be. And I gave up on House at the end of last season. I couldn’t take anymore! LOL! I dumped H50 a few episodes into this season – I really hated what they’d done with it and gave up on it. I didn’t love it as much as others did in the first place though so they might have had more tolerance for it. Honestly, I think NCIS is a show I’d give up on if it weren’t for the fandom. I know so many lovely people who like talking about it!
    And I can totally recommend Suits to you if you’re looking for a new D/s couple – can’t remember if you’ve watched that or not! But the D/s is UP THERE, onscreen, without even needing any kind of spanky/slashy goggles to see it! LOL!

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6808

    I’m the same TTime :-( . I don’t know what it is but I think the show has just worn out my goodwill. I don’t love it anymore. The Tiva is awful and the show itself often fails to lift itself above the merely “meh”. I don’t get excited anymore. Honestly, I think I only watch it so I can talk to my fandom friends about it! What’s weird is that it’s rubbish now compared to how good it once was, but the ratings are higher than ever. I guess it’s formulaic and unthreatening so gets a big mainstream audience it doesn’t actually deserve. Ah well. When I compare and contrast with shows like Homeland which are SO good, it’s a completely different ballgame.
    And yes! Definitely a Xanthe website thing! LOL! We love our spanky emoticons here!!! We iz spankers!
    Talking of which…you got any spanky fic in the pipeline? Doesn’t have to be NCIS! I love your stories :-) :whip:

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6807

    ROFLMAO! You are SO RIGHT! >:(

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6804

    I have NO IDEA what the flashbacks were supposed to say. “Look – Gibbs knew an awesome female Marine many years ago so he’s extra sad now because of meeting another awesome female Marine who didn’t die.” Whatever. :whpp:

    in reply to: 9 x 09 – Engaged Part Two #6802

    Oh dear yes. It was just AWFUL! Your emoticon sums it all up! Utterly boring, totally trite, truly bad.

    in reply to: PJA in 9 Circles #6729

    OH WOW! I totally love it! LOL! It might scare the unknowing, but I love it!

    in reply to: Recs #6391

    http://the-purple-pen.livejournal.com/ here you can find “Moving toward acquiesce” a very swEet slavefic
    I’ve been reading that one too and it’s adorable! So glad you reccd it.

    in reply to: Recs #6390

    Take Clothes Off As Directed isn’t a homage – it was intended to be a slapdown to me in that fandom. If you read some of the comments you’ll get a clear idea of what’s going on. It’s a particularly nasty take on a BDSM universe – deliberately so. That sector of SGA fandom had a big problem with me and BDSM fics generally.

    in reply to: Love never dies?? #6238

    OMG that’s totally how *I* feel!!!
    I haven’t seen it, admittedly, but I don’t feel I WANT to.
    It’s like when people ask me to write sequels to certain stories, and I’m puzzled as to WHY they want more of a particular story when it’s complete as is. You couldn’t add anything to it without taking something away. Stories like Damage and Family for example. And sometimes the story has been told. That’s what the story IS. Don’t mess with it. Leave it be!
    I feel like that about Love Never Dies. I didn’t understand the premise for a start, and although I haven’t seen it (and that IS a big caveat as I can’t talk authoratatively about it as a result), it felt to me as if the premise sold out some of what happened in Phantom. There’s a certain ambiguity in Phantom – does Christine love Raoul or the Phantom? But it’s resolved fairly substantively when the Phantom turns out to be a bit of a homicidal maniac *g* and Raoul is your steadfast rescuing type.
    From my understanding of LND, some of what happens in that rather sells out the Christine/Raoul love story but maybe I’m wrong on that.
    Also, Phantom is LW’s masterpiece. He’s written some fantastic stuff, including JSS, Joseph and Evita, but Phantom has a…how can I say this without it being insulting…well, there’s a certain autobiographical flavour to it *g*. Not that it’s in any way LW’s life story (!!!) but that the themes and emotions very much reflect a certain period of heightened emotion in LW’s life. He also had a muse at the time in the shape of Sarah Brightman, who inspired him in a way he’s never been inspired before or since. His music is always pretty good – that’s why he’s so successful – but it’s lacked the intensity and personal connection that Phantom had. I can see why he wanted to go back and try and recapture it, but I’ve found that’s usually a mistake with stories – and it probably is with musicals too!
    I do know the show had problems when it first opened and LW has put those down to him being preoccupied with battled cancer at the time and therefore not as involved as he should have been. They did close it down and reopen it, and he felt it was better then and the problems ironed out, but it didn’t seem to recover from people’s original perceptions of it.
    Have you seen it, Phoenix?

    in reply to: PJA in 9 Circles #6726

    ROFL! Love the idea of those tee shirts *g*.
    And I read the review – thank you so much – it sounds like such an interesting play – and a great insight into PJA that this was a project he felt so passionately about :-) .

    in reply to: PJA in 9 Circles #6724

    Soooo what was it like? What was it like? Did you have a good time?!!!
    Hee – love the idea of Xanthe t-shirts! I wonder what on EARTH those would look like?! Heh! Maybe covered in story titles?! LOL!

    in reply to: 9 x 07 Devil's Triangle #6841

    I have to wonder how much longer PP can pull the look off. I mean – really! She’s early 40s. I suppose it depends how long the show goes on for but after she turns 45 there is really no way she’ll be able to get away with it, surely? I really do hope they use the adoption storyline to make her question her identity in every single way and she tones down the clothes. I don’t mean she un-goths herself. Like you said, you can develop the look, and mature it.
    *I* don’t dress the same way I did in my 20s or even 30s because I’ve discovered more about what suits me, and certain things really just don’t come over well when you’re older. I wore mini skirts (not often but I did wear one for a brief period!) as a 20-something but I wouldn’t now. Nothing above knee length! And it’s not about being dictated to by fashion – it’s about a change in yourself. Something you just feel isn’t what you want to be doing anymore.
    We once hired a temp who showed up in a miniskirt and with her midriff showing. Nobody is going to take anyone seriously who dresses that way. It’s not that I disapproved – I didn’t care – I just thought that girl wasn’t going to get anywhere if she actually wanted a serious career.
    Abby just about gets away with it because she’s a TV character but if she worked in my office I’d ask her to conform to the dress code. I also don’t think it’s fair to make guys feel uncomfortable by wearing overtly sexy clothes to the office and flash a lot of leg around. We’re there to work. People can be showing off their legs, tits and asses in their own time. And those collars – I own several but really I’d only wear them in a certain kind of club or in the bedroom in a certain kind of relationship! LOL! The idea of wearing them to work is ultra embarrassing!

    in reply to: 9 x 07 Devil's Triangle #6839

    It’s definitely not just you, Georgie. I feel the same way – that’s why I WROTE that scene in Two Masters. I wonder if the show thinks that Abby is such a caricature that they don’t dare change her without upsetting the fans? But she’s been allowed zero personal growth. I mean, compared with Princess Tragic/Perfect, the storyline hogger, Abby has had a great big zilch in terms of stories and character development. And she has been with the show since day one, and is always one of the top 3 characters (along with Gibbs and Tony) whenever there’s an online poll, and still she’s been criminally underused.
    I just hope that this season, as they’ve sort of introduced a possibly big storyline for her, that they follow through and it IS a big storyline for her. Maybe as a result of discovering her true identity, she also re-evaluates her look. Because it is incredibly dated, and she seems stuck in some weird time warp. Even if the show thinks she’s in her mid thirties (and actually I suspect the show thinks she’s younger than that) then most women wouldn’t dress like that with the itty bitty short skirts and the collars – it’s actually kind of embarrassing to dress like a late teen/early twenty-something when you’re a professional woman in your thirties.

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