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  • in reply to: 9X05 – Safe Harbor #6868

    Yup – you’ve put your finger on it. It wasn’t all “Poor, tragic, Princess Ziva with her evol daddy who wouldn’t buy her a pony – SOB! Who was abandoned and beaten up in Somalia – SOB! Who mean shit happens to and has had such a saaaad life – SOB! Who needs a new Daddy – Gibbs – and a funny boyfriend – Tony – to scoop her up and make her feel better because she’s so freaking TRAGIC!” I’m sick of her and wouldn’t have watched it if it had been more of that shit.
    I don’t know that there ARE any Bibbs shippers out there! LOL! But I do love Borin. I wish Ziva would disappear so Borin could take her place on the team. I love female characters like Borin – genuinely strong instead of that pseudo strong that mistakes high kicks and mean putdowns for a strong woman. Borin is focussed, funny, career minded, and doesn’t make goo-goo eyes at the boys and have “possible love interest” tattooed on her forehead.

    in reply to: Fur Babies! #6292

    YIKES! This is a horrible thing to happen to you! I do hope you managed to clear it up – but paint is so hard to clear up! My brother once spilled paint over my grandmother’s carpet, by mistake, and there was a weird, hard, pale patch there forever after!
    I do hope you’ve managed to have a nice rest now! Complete with cuddles from the varmints I’m sure!

    in reply to: Hey! Hello! Let’s get off with a bang! #6168

    Heh – good topic! I adore Sheldon, bless his dysfunctional heart! One thing I love is his sheer asexuality. I hope they don’t ever give him a proper sexual relationship with anyone – asexual people aren’t represented at all on TV and it’s refreshing to see one.
    Plus, he’s hilarious!

    in reply to: Murder 2.0 #6435

    ROFL! That was subtle *g*. Although…I don’t have quite that plot bunny but I DO have a plot bunny calling itself “Three Masters” and involving Murray’s Bar *g*.
    I love how great PJA was in Murder 2:0. It remains one of my top ten NCIS episodes because I LOVED the mystery – it was bonkers but such good fun :-) .

    in reply to: Murder 2.0 #6434

    ROFL! That was subtle *g*. Although…I don’t have quite that plot bunny but I DO have a plot bunny calling itself “Three Masters” and involving Murray’s Bar *g*.
    I love how great PJA was in Murder 2:0. It remains one of my top ten NCIS episodes because I LOVED the mystery – it was bonkers but such good fun :-) .

    in reply to: PJA in 9 Circles #6716

    I wish I lived there – I’d totally go with you! I LOVE this interview so thanks for the link. The thing with Dustin Hoffman sounds utterly frightening – eep! And him and Gabriel staying with his mom is beyond adorable! I think it DOES show in their rapport too – clearly they get on really well. Loved the hair gel reply – very succinct! LOL! And it’s a question I think they get asked a lot so they must be sick of it.
    I’m intrigued about this play he’s going to do. I hope you do go so you can report back!

    in reply to: The Gibbs/DiNozzo thread! #6894

    You know … I can honestly say that the first time I saw the ep, I didn’t notice Tony’s bulge because I was watching how they were staring at each other … very intense ;D … although both of them were probably thinking of the same thing —> :crop:
    ROFLMAO! I’d love it if that was what they were both thinking *g*. it probably was!!! Gibbs was certainly thinking THIS at the very least! :spank: And Tony clearly liked the idea!

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6206

    Yup! I think only three are absolutely definite though – Hugh, Russell and Anne. They released this today though so I’m guessing a lot of the casting spoilers will turn out to be true: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15365261

    in reply to: Fur Babies! #6290

    Beautiful boys! I love that they get on so well – that can be such a risk. And I adore that first picture – so much squishy love going on there!

    in reply to: 9 X 01 – Nature of the Beast – Episode Discussion #6910

    I’m not sure Ziva is such a popular character with the general public. It seems that whenever there’s a poll the top three are always Gibbs, Abby and Tony, usually in that order, with Ziva coming in somewhere further down, either in 4th or 5th place. She was shoved at us so much in S6 and 7 it’s not surprising she’s amassed something of a fanbase. I’m just hoping that what GG is doing with the show this season will restore the popularity of some of the other characters who suffered during the reign of Princess Ziva – most notably Tony who was dumbed down horrifically, often, it appeared, just to make her look good. If I were MW i’d wonder what on earth i’d done to piss off Shane Brennan so much, frankly!
    And yes, it is MH’s first season as EP. And I think we are seeing his influence very much. That and the fact I think GG likes the DPB era far more than the SB era – he’s more or less said so on several occasions, so he’s moving away from ZCIS and back to an ensemble show featuring a team that actually likes and support each other rather than snipping at each other.

    in reply to: 9 X 01 – Nature of the Beast – Episode Discussion #6908

    One of the things I’ve loved about this season, and one of the reasons I’m enjoying it frankly, is there’s little Ziva. She completely dominated the show for two seasons with her endless dramas, and turned it from an ensemble into the Ziva show for awhile. I like that she’s in the background now. I’m not sure I’ll actually watch any Ziva focussed episode this season because I dislike her so much. I never did watch Enemies Foreign and Domestic or Dead Air from last season. Too much Ziva focus of a kind I can’t stand. I’m happy to skip any Zivacentric ep – hopefully there won’t be too many of them. She’s had more than enough focus for 2 seasons. It’s someone else’s turn now. That was why I was pleased by the Abby plot arc they initiated in the last episode. She’s been marginalised for long enough. And why I was glad to see SM get a turn in the spotlight too. And there’s rumours of a Ducky ep coming up as well. It seemed like the show forgot anyone other than Ziva and Gibbs existed for awhile and I’m glad to see the balance returning.

    in reply to: 9 X 01 – Nature of the Beast – Episode Discussion #6906

    Wow Georgie – it’s weird they got that wrong – esp as MW is such a movie buff himself!
    I thought it was a great season opener too – and so far all the eps this season have been good. It’s great because I was starting to be embarrassed about having turned people onto the show when we had ep after ep of total crap for nearly two seasons. It’s lovely to see it return to form although I do wonder if it’s too late for me as I feel too wary and badly burned by it to fully embrace it. Plus, Ziva’s still in it and I’m afraid I dislike the character so much it’s hard for me to watch her at all now.

    in reply to: 9X03 The Penelope Papers – Episode Discussion #6876

    Yeah, the thing about them ALL having difficult relationships with their dads is starting to irritate me enormously. But it is a standard trope on US TV – less so in other parts of the world but virtually no US drama is complete without a difficult father/son relationship.
    I didn’t buy that Lily Tomlin was McGee’s grandmother, or understand the family history they were trying to paint. I liked the episode and that SM got a chance to do something but in earlier seasons he seemed to have a good relationship with his dad and a stable home life and I was irritated they changed that in order to have get more dysfunctional families within the team.

    in reply to: The John/Rodney thread! #6252

    I didn’t mind Keller in the fourth season but in the 5th season she seemed to be another Princess Perfect, the focus of most of the episodes, at the expense of the characters we cared about and THEIR relationships. The romance with McKay was utterly unbelievable and so badly written! That storm ep where they got together – ugh! Honestly, I’ve seen fanfic written not just a little bit better but a million times better. I think these writers were much better at writing adventure and sci fi than romance and should have stuck to that, throwing in the occasional woman of the week for the guys to have a thing with for one ep in order to prove their heterosexuality in face of all the evidence to the contrary ::)

    in reply to: Recs #6383

    Great idea for a thread Aly! And I LOVE Ranger’s work – her Nick and Damien series is my favourite but she also wrote a gorgeous Sherlock/Watson spanky fic called The Depressed Detective which I love to bits :crop:

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