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  • in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6201

    I cannot wait to see this. I was so excited when I read that they would be making this. I am actually going tomorrow night to see it here in DC for the 4th time. I love this musical. This is my favorite one, with Cats coming in a close second.
    Another Les mis fan! Yay! I’ve seen about – well, i don’t know because I never counted but I’d be surprised if it was less than 15 times – although that WAS spread out over about 20 years! I always love it. It’s my favourite musical of all time :-)

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6200

    Im less optimistic about this then you are…. I hope Im wrong!
    Even in Broadway standards its considered a long play (as NPH put it at the Tony’s – Broadway shows are “2 hour, live action, barely affordable unlipsynced versions of Glee” lol so I cant imagine them not cutting some songs out and while I am totally with you on cutting out the Cosette/Marius songs I highly doubt it too. I really like the song turning but I can see it as one of the songs to go because its not really important for the storyline…..
    Who knows though? Ill be very happy to be wrong in this case
    I love “Turning” but yes, I can see that one being axed. I’m wondering what else they CAN axe and still have the storyline make sense though.

    in reply to: Gibbs Head slap anyone? #6846

    Loving all the Gibbs slaps! :gibbs: :)
    Tony: ‘I saw that why did you give her the soft touch?…Thank you boss’ ;D loved that and ‘Atta boy’ while Gibbs strokes the back of his head. That was so cute. :P
    Tony: ‘You know repeated head trauma causes brain damage’
    McGee: ‘Explains a lot’
    Poor Tony he got so many head slaps over the years I’m surprised he hasn’t already got brain damage. But I do love watching Tony getting head slapped…i mean who doesn’t! Great video by the way.

    in reply to: Remember your first time? … (reading a Xanthe fic) #6364

    Apparently we are all finding it difficult to choose a favourite Xanthe story because they are all awesome ;)
    So I wondered if everyone remembered the first Xanthe story/fandom they ever read or the one that got them coming back for more…
    Did you get lured by an NCIS fic? :gibbs:
    Or tempted by the BDSM verse? :whip:
    Was it humour, ;D angst :'( and suspense or true love :-* that hooked you?
    Or was it the spanking? :spank:
    ROFLMAO! I just LOVE how you’ve used the emoticons! LOL! I’ll be interested in people’s replies too :whipcrack: And that gif is just because it makes me laugh!

    in reply to: Favourite Xanthe Story? #6343

    I’m always so interested in hearing the ones people loved. I find I’ve got stories that I loved writing, and some I love reading, and some where it’s both – and those are the best. Puppy Love was one of those! It’s one of my all time favourites of my own. I love Sunrise too. With the big ones, my love of them is sometimes tainted by how hard it is to write long stories! So while I know lots of people love 24/7 and Two Masters, I always have mixed feelings about them. I can remember the struggle of making them work and bringing them to fruition all too well!
    And something like Damage – that was really hard to write – I was straddling such a fine line with keeping it true to the experience Tony had gone through and everyone’s reaction to it, while at the same time not selling it out or over-egging it. And some bits were so horrible I could hardly bear writing them but they had to be there. I find it’s one I like to dip into and re-read bits of a lot though – more than many of my stories. The bit where Gibbs goes to Tony’s apartment to find out the truth— I’ve read that tons of times. And the bit in the bowling alley. And the bit with the shattered glass *g*.
    Then there are some that were just a dream to write – A Man of Two Truths was like that for me. I still love that story to bits after all this time.
    Whereas others I find utterly embarrassing. And some I look at and don’t remember writing at all – that’s really freaky when that happens! LOL! But I suppose it has been 13 years!

    in reply to: The Gibbs/DiNozzo thread! #6890

    SNORFLE! I KNOW! I keep wanting to insert totally random smiles just because they’re so brilliant. Oh, and the one you used is appropriate, I think, Tejas. Because it’s totally what both these guys know their relationship will have in it once they get together – and they’re just starting out here! LOL!  :whip:

    in reply to: The Gibbs/DiNozzo thread! #6888

    Just because…that bulge in Tony’s pants as he looks deep into Gibbs’s eyes always amuses me!

    in reply to: Favourite spanky couple? #6103

    Well, Gibbs and Tony are the only ones who have really inspired my Muse to write, so I think they win. But I have lots of others that I like to imagine/read about!
    This is probably the ‘wrong’ part of the forum to point it out (and feel free to spank me for it!) but… you do know that this forum might be a very *bad* thing, right? I can see myself spending waaaaay too much time here!
    HAH! We’ll happily spank you *g*. I agree re Gibbs and Tony – they are, to me, the spankiest couple I’ve seen onscreen because Gibbs headslaps Tony all the time and Tony is always so eager for Gibbs’s attention. It’s just not a stretch at all to imagine Gibbs throwing Tony over his knee in exasperation and spanking him and Tony LOVING it *g* And sort of hating it too but loving it as well!
    I love Harvey and Mike’s vibe too – that’s more D/s than specifically spanky but there’s lots of spanky potential in there too :-)
    Talking of your muse – I hope she’s busy spanking people as we speak! LOL!

    in reply to: Best Season One Episode? #6742

    I think this is a good point and one I’ve worried about a lot. Harvey is a risk taker but he seems to be genuinely fond of Jessica and in her debt to a certain extent. So why do the thing with Mike? In episode one, it seemed to make sense, but the more the show goes on, and the more we see of his relationships, the less believable I’ve found it that he would have done it in the first place. I do think he’s arrogant (obviously!) but he’s also shown himself very loyal and to have a heart underneath all the arrogance. So, what he’s done by taking on Mike is a huge betrayal of Jessica’s trust.
    Maybe…(I don’t like this idea but it’s a possibility) what they’ll do is have Jessica find out and demote Harvey to Junior Partner and Louis will take his place as senior. Not sure what they’ll do with Mike but it’d be horrible (although maybe funny) if Louis is able to take him on in some capacity. I don’t know – i don’t want Harvey humiliated like that but he’s done something really stupid and if he’s going to live on a higher level, as he’s said he prefers, with more adrenaline and excitement, then he has to take the fallout.
    But maybe Trevor isn’t going to spill the beans about that – maybe he’s going to tell Jessica about Mike doing some dealing for him, or about how Mike and Harvey hired him to put the frighteners on that guy. I dunno!
    Glad you’re enjoying the fic! I think I lead everyone very gently into the dungeon in this story! LOL! Harvey certainly takes his time to ease Mike into it!

    in reply to: Best Season One Episode? #6740

    Yup! Harvey IS right about Trevor and clearly doesn’t want Mike getting hurt, but at the same time he’s in kind of a battle with Trevor over who gets to own Mike – not that anyone but HARVEY would win that, of course, but Mike goes back a long way with Trevor so there was always going to be a lot of angst in Mike’s transition. And I doubt it’s over yet!
    LOL re the BDSM. I love how blatant it is – it’s just undeniable, up there, onscreen! Hope you enjoy the fic :-)

    in reply to: Attack of the Slash Goggles #6412

    i too started with SGA fanfic. by accident i found there was a lot more slash fiction. and it was better written than non-slashy stuff. i didn’t even know there existed such well written stories. and they were FREE. and were about my favourite characters. and totally removed what ever “chick” writers decided to make up so the characters had a romantic interest. To be honest i would rather that characters on some tv shows didn’t HAVE romantic interests. it would totally solve some of those pesky canon problems that prevent characters being slashy!
    i do have problems tho. I see slash every where there are hot guys on the telly. and get really, really annoyed when the “cheat” on each other *laugh*.
    (and if this isn’t all correctly spelt…sorry…but i am typing by candle light…don’t ask)

    in reply to: Attack of the Slash Goggles #6411

    I love this topic!!!
    I remember watching shows as a kid and although I wasn’t slashing them, I was really excited by them in a way I didn’t understand. And what I was excited about was the relationship between the two guys on the show. I loved Raffles and Bunny (my first huge major fandom crush! I was completely in love with Anthony Valentine for several months! LOL!), Bodie and Doyle (the Professionals) and then, of course, there was the obligatory Kirk/Spock crush. I must have rewatched “Amok Time” a gazillion times to see Spock sort of admit how much he loved his captain *g*. There were Carter and Regan (The Sweeney) and Blake and Avon (or really just Avon with anyone – I was a total Avon junkie) from Blake’s 7.
    It wasn’t until I found The X Files that I realised what I was loving were SLASH relationships. Once I found Mulder and Skinner I never looked back! I started writing it immediately and all the stories on my site show my progression from there.
    What’s interesting is which couple grab you as a pairing and which don’t. I love Sherlock for example, and I like Hawaii 5-0 and can totally SEE the slash in them both. But it just doesn’t interest me in fandom terms – yet. With NCIS and The X Files I’d been watching for 5 seasons before I suddenly wanted to write the pairing. Other pairings grab me quicker – Captain Jack was a hugely slashy character the minute he appeared onscreen – it’s just a shame he never had time to really cement a bond with the Doctor in a way I’d have liked. John and Rodney from SGA caught me very early on, and Mike and Harvey from Suits almost from Day One. It’s so hard to predict which pairing will make me want to participate in a fandom though. Not sure if it’s the same for everyone.
    I think, for me, with my, uh, special interests, I have to see some BDSM possibilities in a pairing too, in order for it to be a real fandom interest of mine. I love writing just slash – I’ve written far more stories without BDSM than with it – but I love the frisson of knowing I can put them in BDSM situations too!

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6197

    Oh no! I don’t think there’s ANYTHING they can cut! I hope they don’t. Sigh. I just thought they’d keep it as is because I know CM is in charge and I thought he’d want to preserve its integrity. I don’t think with a musical there’s anything wrong with it being pretty long. I hope they don’t waste screen time on establishing shots and slow, panoramic pans around and fight sequences and then have to cut a song or two! Although…if they do cut any songs, I hope it’s the Marius/Cosette love songs *g*. Which it won’t be because I guess those are kind of important to the plot :-(

    in reply to: Best Season One Episode? #6738

    Bailout is a huge favourite of mine too. I love that Harvey is such a badass that he walks in there with only his brains to protect him. And it works! And I love that he feels protective of Mike in this way. He’s also very jealous of Trevor *g*.

    in reply to: Fur Babies! #6283

    OMG! Maxwell is so gorgeous! I love that he found you and you rescued him – what a sweetie!
    The other cats are all beautiful too. I want to squish that gorgeous white tummy!!! And the basket thing is hilarious and SO catlike! LOL!

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