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  • in reply to: How Cute #6268

    I can’t view it! SOB!

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself #6565

    Hello and welcome! Lovely to have you here!

    in reply to: Episode Discussions Here! #6137

    Hi hon (bearsandharleys),
    If you thought S1 was good – you just just HAVE TO SEE S2!!! OMG! It’s ALL brilliant but I think the last ep of S2 is the best episode of anything I’ve ever seen. It also spawned the massive Sherlock fandom (and particularly Johnlock) that’s going nuts on Tumblr right now!
    I agree with you about “Elementary” – it has the potential to massively suck.
    By the way, I hope you got my note about the gift you sent!

    in reply to: Episode Discussions Here! #6135

    I’m with you both. I was a bit taken by surprise when someone asked me why I thought John was the dom and Sherlock the sub. But it seems really obvious to me. For all that Sherlock strides through the cases, giving orders, it’s JOHN who grounds him and is quietly in charge at home – that episode where Sherlock is bored and John won’t let him smoke – that right there is their domestic vibe.
    And yes – Sherlock has that Rodney vibe of being all brilliant and genius-y but needing someone to bring him back down after. That’s what Johns are for *g*.
    It’s a massively happening fandom after the way season 2 ended (sob!). There is some amazing artwork and brilliant vidding. It’s really the big fandom of the moment.

    in reply to: Recs #6397

    WOW! That was amazing! Thanks for the rec :-)

    in reply to: Season One DVD Release Information #6624

    Does anyone know if the Region 2 (Europe) DVDS will have the same extras as the US ones? In the past, I got burned by the NCIS region 2 dvds not having the cast commentaries on them and don’t want to make the same mistake again. But at the same time, I’d rather have the region 2 ones so I can watch them on my Blu Ray and not on my old, multi region, DVD player.

    in reply to: Suits Super Fans #6699

    WOW! That actually sounds quite like an ordeal for someone who is just a fan, and, as you said, not auditioning for something! I’m really sorry you didn’t get the callback though! But it does make me wonder if they’ll just choose an actress for the superfan – someone they can give a script to.

    in reply to: Melrose Place #6620

    That is SO hilarious! I’m guessing Gabriel is gonna be called Goldilocks on set from now on! LOL!

    in reply to: Suits Super Fans #6693

    I wish you would do it, Georgie, so you could put over the Marvey love. I dread some Rachel/Mike shipper making out it’s all about that. But I do understand your reasons – I’m not sure I’d put myself forward either. I’m not keen on the limelight in any form!

    in reply to: Life Before His Eyes #6782

    I think NCIS goes down the root of ‘trying to please all the people all the time’ and ends up lacking its own creative vision as a result. But maybe that comes with the territory when you’re the number one show after 200 episodes. I really love the IDEA of the AUs but found the execution really poor. I think what annoyed me most was that it COULD have been so good.
    But I’m out of love with NCIS anyway, so I guess that colours my views a bit too. Others might come to the episode with less baggage.

    in reply to: Life Before His Eyes #6781

    And in the end, I’m guessing there are no real consequences from the NCIS episode. It’s all in Gibbs’ head. (So, technically everything that happens is from his perspective, which could have been a tremendous moment of character insight but I’m getting the impression they didn’t go there.)
    At least in “Vegas” there were consequences in our universe. As fun as it was to hang out with Detective Sheppard, it was very cool that it meant something. (And I agree those were the best two episodes of season five – even if we had to have Keller hanging around in both of them.) The NCIS episode didn’t have any meaning and will most certainly not have any lasting effect on Gibbs. It was intended as a big thank you to the fans, but they’re forgetting that old show biz motto “you can’t please all of the people all of the time” so every time they pander to one faction of their fan base they’re alienating the other.
    Still, it appears as though everyone on the show is having a good time so more power to them.
    I’d be interested in what you thought if you could bring yourself to watch it Georgie. I was annoyed with it but that could partly be finding NCIS quite annoying generally anyway.

    in reply to: Life Before His Eyes #6776

    Yeah TTime. I’ve noticed the decline in good fic – or much fic at all too. And the discussion boards are really slow now as well. I just don’t feel the same love for the show I used to and it ends up upsetting me because I USED to love it so much.
    Beardy!Gibbs was a different AU to Baby!Tony. Baby!Tony was the AU where Kate lived. Beardy!Gibbs was the AU where Gibbs didn’t shoot Hernandez. Kate still had a baby but Tony didn’t seem to be around anymore – nobody mentions him and he seems to be either dead or never in Gibbs’s life in the first place. And I think Tony’s baby was a boy but the second one in the beardy!Gibbs reality was a girl. But see – that’s what’s so confusing. I didn’t get that either on first viewing and someone else had to tell me. And you didn’t get it. It was a muddle – so confusing.
    Ditto the stuff with Gibbs’s mom which I think I MIGHT have found touching if I knew what the hell the back story there was. See – you think she was ill and the ‘left’ was dying and maybe it WAS but it could have been something else too – if Gibbs meant she’d ‘died’ on them he should have bloody well said so! It was all so cryptic and ambiguous and while I don’t mind that NCIS leaves SOME stuff open, it’s gone too far now and is just unsatisfying.
    And yes re Tim – the dog, his novel, SOMETHING other than fading utterly into the background all the time even when he gets a wodge of story. I mean, this thing could have been a big deal for him but to stick it in a heavy Gibbs-centric episode meant it got utterly swallowed up. Even Abby didn’t have a reaction to the news he’d been offered the job! And Gibbs didn’t either!
    As for fanfic, I’m fairly sure I won’t write any more NCIS – but on the plus side I have started something else – she said mysteriously! Too soon to tell how (or if!) it’ll pan out though!

    in reply to: Life Before His Eyes #6774

    Well you might love it so don’t let me put you off! I know lots of Tibbs fans DID love it. I just really didn’t. I think it’s possible that the lack of Tiva might be enough to make some people like it after the way the show has gone lately, but even without any Tiva to speak of, it just fell short for me. There seemed like some good ideas in there trying to get out but they were poorly executed to my mind. Maybe because I’m used to AUs from fanfic and know how fantastic they CAN be, but they are very rarely done on TV so I think they have less experience as to how to make them work! LOL!

    in reply to: Life Before His Eyes #6772

    I watched it this morning and wasn’t wowed. It struck me as being a bit of a mess. I could have done without the case which bored me when I was interested in the flashbacks.
    But as usual with NCIS it was so cryptic I couldn’t make any sense of it. I think Kate living and having babies rather outweighs whatever minor angst the show seemed to have about Ziva still being with Mossad – that was her initial choice after all and she seemed to enjoy it well enough. At least she’s ALIVE and making her own choices. And she didn’t seem too upset about those choices. She was having a fine old time leading Tony a dance in interrogation.
    Someone said that in the scene in the basement with beardy!Gibbs being depressed and drunk that Tony had died but that was so unclear that really I think it’s supposition although it does make sense of that scene a bit more, and the way they kept referring just to Kate re the baby and not to Tony. Otherwise it’s just a giant WTF moment for me.
    I don’t understand Gibbs’s relationship with his mom or why she left. Was she ill? An alcoholic? Does ‘left’ mean ‘died’? Why was Gibbs’s dad changing her bedsheets every day? Was he dating other women while she was dying? Or drunk? IS she even dead? WTF was it all about? Why couldn’t they clarify all this and make it clearer? I don’t think NCIS’s repeated lack of clarity makes it CLEVER. Clever is something like the pilot episode of Touch where a gazillion disparate strands came together by the end and made sense, while still being complex. NCIS is just LAZY – it feels to me like it never wants to spell anything out in case it wants to retcon itself or alter its facts and continuity at some later date.
    I thought DM completely outclassed everyone else in this episode, with some truly stellar acting. It’s criminal how little Ducky gets used when DM is such a class act.
    I wish GG had dispensed with the boring case and just gone with the diner/flashbacks. There were some really nice bits in there – for example the Shannon/Kelly stuff and finding out it was them or Gibbs – although really valuing his contribution over any they might have made was a tad crass. Kelly might have grown up to be a doctor and cure cancer or something! Or Shannon might have written a best selling novel!
    I loved the Kate bit but it seemed to me that was an outtake from SWAK judging by those pyjamas she was wearing. That makes sense of the utterly waspish portrayal in a moment where that kind of shrewishness really doesn’t seem appropriate or likely. She’s a new mom introducing her lovely baby to its dad for the first time! However annoyed with him she might be about missing the birth, you’d think she’d be overcome with love and joy in that moment!
    The Tim plot was a big ‘so what?’ for me. The show has ruined Tim over the past few seasons. I used to really like him but now he seems so dull and colourless. He used to write novels and have a personality! He wanted to date Abby! He was funky and amusing and interesting. Now he’s positively anorexic in both appearance and character. He’s either solving computer tech stuff or being whiny. I thought it was telling that the show seems to think that Gibbs’s ‘team’ consists of Tony and Ziva – that’s what Mike said to Gibbs. “Tony and Ziva and your team”, making the others some kind of secondary afterthought. Tim doesn’t even rate a mention, much less Abby and Ducky. No surprises there as that’s the way the show has gone in recent seasons but that’s also why I don’t like it anymore.
    The inclusion of Ari and Jenny and various others seemed utterly random when they weren’t actually USED. I wouldn’t have minded them being there and saying nothing if there had been some point to them but there didn’t seem to be. Vance and Ari playing chess seems to be the kind of stupid idea that sounded cool but makes no real statement within the context of the episode – and nor does it make any sense, either.
    And superhuman Gibbs is back at work the day *after* being shot in the shoulder? At least when Ari shot him he looked like he was in pain and he was out of action for awhile. Another WTF moment for me.
    This is the last NCIS episode I’ll watch. I’m really so over this show. When I’m not dodging Tiva anvils, I’m wondering what the hell happened to the Tony and Gibbs I fell in love with. They really are long gone I think.

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6221

    My hope is restored
    OMG! This is like a rollercoaster! LOL! I’d much prefer SB to Taylor Swift. I saw SB at the anniversary concert and she was good. She’s not the best Eponine ever, and she lacks the sweetness of voice that a superstar like Lea Salonga brought to the role many years ago (compare her version with Lea’s in the anniversary performances) but she IS good.

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