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  • in reply to: Characters who should never be slashed…!!! #6401

    Toby! You’re right – SHUDDER! He should NEVER BE SLASHED!!!
    But what? No Cancerman/Bill Mulder slash?! *ggg*

    in reply to: Remember your first time? … (reading a Xanthe fic) #6381

    I can’t wait for more of Touch. I was totally wowed by it. And PoI is MY favourite show right now too! I love Reese being so softly ironic – and he and Finch make such utterly interesting characters when put together. I could slash them though *g*. I love the idea of them calling each other “Mr Reese” and “Mr Finch” in bed. They are oddballs so I’m not sure I could do more than a one shot with them but it’d be fun ;-) .
    Hmm, perhaps we should start a “characters who should never be slashed” thread!
    I don’t think Sheldon should be with anyone on BBT although it doesn’t bother me in ff. I’m annoyed at the Sheldon/Amy thing because I find it utterly unbelievable. Also, I don’t actually like Amy as a character. I do love Penny, but I’m not that interested in the Sheldon/Penny friendship. I actually think it works best as a team show. Most shows do – which is why it’s annoying when they pair everyone off all the time!
    I doubt I’ll get to Comic Con this year. Maybe next!

    in reply to: Remember your first time? … (reading a Xanthe fic) #6380

    I can’t wait for more of Touch. I was totally wowed by it. And PoI is MY favourite show right now too! I love Reese being so softly ironic – and he and Finch make such utterly interesting characters when put together. I could slash them though *g*. I love the idea of them calling each other “Mr Reese” and “Mr Finch” in bed. They are oddballs so I’m not sure I could do more than a one shot with them but it’d be fun ;-) .
    Hmm, perhaps we should start a “characters who should never be slashed” thread!
    I don’t think Sheldon should be with anyone on BBT although it doesn’t bother me in ff. I’m annoyed at the Sheldon/Amy thing because I find it utterly unbelievable. Also, I don’t actually like Amy as a character. I do love Penny, but I’m not that interested in the Sheldon/Penny friendship. I actually think it works best as a team show. Most shows do – which is why it’s annoying when they pair everyone off all the time!
    I doubt I’ll get to Comic Con this year. Maybe next!

    in reply to: Favourite Xanthe Story? #6354

    DO watch Suits – it’s very snappy and good fun and the D/s slash is right up there onscreen. So glad you mentioned Birth-Day as I’ve got some plans for that universe…
    And you mentioned Fireboy! I love that fic still – hee! Love that you also mentioned some really old ones like Contagium and Crush – I doubt anyone much reads those these days so it’s nice to know somebody still thinks fondly of them :-) .
    I think Human is one of the best stories I’ve ever written – but not for the faint of heart!

    in reply to: How Cute #6265

    Oh bless! That’s totally cute! Such squishiness! LOL!

    in reply to: Remember your first time? … (reading a Xanthe fic) #6378

    Hi Shan! LOL! I didn’t know The Adversary was my first fic you read. EEP! LOL! You should try watching Suits – it’s great. Ooh, and have you seen “Touch” – the pilot aired recently but the show isn’t starting for real until March. It’s SO GOOD! And Person of Interest is one I’d recommend as well :-) .
    I’d love to come to Comic Con one day. Life events just seem to conspire against me! It’s such a good thing I didn’t commit to going last year because I broke my leg and wouldn’t have been able to anyway!

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6218

    New, brilliant casting spoilers! I’m SO GLAD they did this! It’s a lovely nod to the original cast and CW will be brilliant as the Bishop.

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6217

    That’s what I thought! Cosette is kind of ‘blah blah boring love interest’ to me – the victim/daughter/girlfriend figure who is sweet and pretty and loving and that’s about it.
    But Eponine is a real WOMAN – she’s got her own story and life and is SO much more interesting. And “On my own” is THE best song about unrequited love that I’ve ever heard!
    Everyone else is saying the same thing about Taylor Swift on the Youtube comments to the big Eponine signature song.
    Les Miserables – On my own

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6214

    She’s the one I have the most problem with. It just seems like stunt casting to me. And Eponine is SO important – she’s one of the best characters in it and that’s saying something as there are so many terrific characters in this musical!

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6212

    I hadn’t seen the release date! It’s due in December – WOOT! That’s great.
    I’m not keen on SBC replacing Geoffrey Rush but hopefully he’ll be better than I worry he’ll be. Eddie Redmayne is fine – IF he can sing!

    in reply to: Who is the most loving dom? #6544

    Aw! That’s such a cute answer! Hee! Gabriel Macht who plays Harvey just turned 40 the other day, so he’s not really really young. He does look quite young though! I agree that both Gibbs and Skinner have that older, authority figure thing going on which makes them such good doms. John and Harvey both have less gravitas, although they are very sexy!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6690

    I love this show. I think I’ve finally found something to replace NCIS
    YAY! Isn’t it brilliant! I am SO glad as I know you’ve been feeling the same way about NCIS as I have.
    How many episodes of Suits have you seen? I can promise you it gets very D/s – in fact it is even in the beginning but it just keeps on being that way! LOL!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6688

    ROFLMAO! I think they know what we like about it!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6686

    I’m certain someone at Dave will be getting an earful… oh any minute now. I mean, it’s a happy accident for fans in a way but I can see why Korsh was angry because it wasn’t the vision he wanted going out. He probably had a reason for those scenes to end up on the cutting room floor. But, of course, was willing to share them with fans on the DVD where they wouldn’t be part of the shows canon.
    At least it’s made for an interesting first episode in the UK! Aren’t you glad you watched it? ;)
    I wonder what Korsh took issue with because really those scenes, while lots of fun to people who were already fans and had seen it, were pretty minor moments. The only major thing I think that could have been annoying was Gerber. I would love it if all the episodes had previously unseen scenes! I bet it won’t happen but it did give us a lot of squee.

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6685

    LOL! Glad you enjoy it – it only gets better. Ep2 is SO bloody D/s slash that I wonder how it got made without anyone going ‘uhhh?’ *g*. All that’s missing are collars and some ACTUAL spanking!

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