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  • in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6657

    I’m wondering how I’d recognise an extra scene – it’s probably likely to be a really small thing.

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6654

    An extra scene?! I didn’t know that! I’ll look out for it and report back.
    Lovely Mike skin shot…mmmm!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6653

    And Louis so slimy and also desperately in love with Harvey *g*.

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6650

    Hee – naughty Mike cheating on exams and needing a strong dom to spank some sense into him before he wastes his entire life…;-)

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6649

    He is SOOOO gorgeous!!!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6646

    PS – welcome to the forum!

    in reply to: Suits – Season One, Episode One – The Pilot! #6645

    Darn. That means a re-watch.
    Aw – such a hardship! LOL! Two gorgeous slashy boys with lots of banter and plenty of D/s overtones – it’s a real chore!

    in reply to: 9 X 12 – Housekeeping #6794

    I’ve heard about people disliking Sam Carter and while I never watched SG1 I can understand why. “Sammy the wonder horse” was one description of her and she sounds too annoying for words! LOL!
    I’ve come to the conclusion I really only like female characters on shows that are ABOUT the women. Like Rizzoli and Isles – I LOVE those girls to bits. But that’s because they are the focus and it’s told from their pov – and also the guys on that show are treated like the girls on other shows. And a lot of the show’s writers and production staff are women which helps.
    I’m not going to watch NCIS again – except for the 200th ep and I won’t watch that either if they ruin it with Tiva. I’m tired of all this – the show has let me down too often and I don’t even like it now, let alone love it. But I agree that’s how they get the ratings – with all the reruns all over the place. We just have to hope that Tiva kills the ratings and the show dies a death – it really doesn’t deserve its current popularity but I guess it’s safe and formulaic. I just mourn for that lovely little show nobody was watching in S1 and 2 that was SO damn good.
    Never mind. There’s plenty of other good shows to watch. And Suits will be back soon!

    in reply to: 9 X 12 – Housekeeping #6792

    I’d love to know where you read that re Harmon and Weatherly. I think a lot of fans have guessed that’s what Weatherly in particular feels, but there’s been no official word that it’s what happened. I must admit when GG took over, it looked to me like MH and MW genuinely liked him and had his ear. Whereas it seemed that MH in particular didn’t get on well with Shane Brennan, the previous showrunner.
    A lot of us thought that with MH being exec producer, he used his clout to speak to GG about the damage being done to Tony’s character under SB and how stupid Tiva had become. During the early part of S9 I think we DID think that’s what had happened and GG had listened and maybe Tiva was gone for good. No such luck. I think they saw the Tiva fans wailing and panicked and thought they should throw them a bone. Sadly, that bone proved fairly indigestible for the rest of us.
    it’s all about the characters’ love lives now. Poor Ducky is so underused it’s criminal and we barely see Abby either. I hope DM WANTS to be working so much less than he did in the beginning because otherwise I’m furious on his behalf. He’s one of the main reasons I watched the show in the beginning too – I’ve been a fan since The Great Escape. I adored him as a kid – in those war movies, and in Sapphire and Steel etc. And PP has a massive following but they barely use her – it’s all Ziva all the time. I’m sick to death of Ziva now. I’ve never hated a fictional character more. I utterly despise her.
    You definitely should have listened to your gut! LOL! I was told not to watch it by people I trust so I didn’t. In fact, I’ve given up on it now. I just don’t care enough to keep bothering with a show that is really pretty crappy compared to PoI or Suits. Its mytharcs are laughable and its characterisations are poor. It now just seems like any other soap with a bit of a murder thrown in along the way. And maybe the occasional boat.
    I personally hope the ratings drop. It seems unfair that much better shows aren’t getting anywhere near the same huge audiences while this crap brings in the numbers every week. If the ratings dropped in reaction to Tiva that’d be great *g*. I’m not expecting it though. NCIS appears to be a bullet proof juggernaut right now. It’s safe and formulaic and people like that.

    in reply to: 9 X 12 – Housekeeping #6790

    I just couldn’t stomach the Tiva so I haven’t watched it. I’m ready to give up on this show. It feels like when everyone else found it, it went down the pan trying to cater to them all, instead of being the lovely show it was back when just a handful of us were watching and loving it :-( . I hate that that happened. I was a fan since day one but the Tiva folks moved in and made it all about THAT.
    I miss the team and I miss Abby and Ducky. I miss the show it once was. I can’t see the point of continuing to watch it because it’ll never be that show again.

    in reply to: 9 X 12 – Housekeeping #6788

    Yeah – I know some people are raving about S9 but honestly I only see marginal improvement – I loved Newborn King and some of the early season eps but since The Penelope Papers onwards it’s more often missed than hit and the big, much touted two parter, Engaged was incredibly lame.
    I really feel done with NCIS. I’ll watch the 200th ep but that’s it. I’m going to stop watching. I find it so hard to engage with it or care any more after what it’s done to its premise and some much loved characters.

    in reply to: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! #6209

    Ugh! I thought Geoffrey Rush was going to play Thenardier? HE would be fantastic but not Sasha Baron Cohen! NO!
    Seyfried is good casting. Taylor Swift – hmmm. Eponine needs someone who can ACT – I’d prefer Seyfried to play her because at least she can act and Cosette doesn’t matter so much as she’s just winsome love interest.
    Eddie Redmayne as Marius? Really? I hope he can sing! So no, not wild about the latest batch of casting spoilers :-( . Anyone else?

    in reply to: Who is the most loving dom? #6547

    LOL! I am happy to be blamed! HEH! I wouldn’t kick any of these guys out of my bed on a cold (or warm!) night! They’re all gorgeous in their own way.

    in reply to: Daemons #6707

    I love all these! Especially Dennis’s ram and Donna’s myna bird – just perfect for her!

    in reply to: UK Air Dates #6714

    I don’t intend to chat immediately after the ep airs, Haggy. I expect it’ll be the next day.

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