Possession: 2. Counterclaim

Possession: 2. Counterclaim When Mike got to Harvey’s apartment building he found there was nowhere outside to chain up his bike. He stood there, looking around, at a loss as to what to do. He didn’t think the highly fastidious Harvey would appreciate him bringing his...


Oxford  Something was wrong. Something indefinable. Skinner sat at his desk, staring absently across the room, wishing he could put his finger on it. First of all, Agent Mulder had come here requesting his permission to investigate a case that was clearly...


One It was hot. A blistering Summer’s day. And Skinner was tired. Too many hours spent chewing over this case, examining the leads in meticulous detail, and finally putting two and two together and adding it up to the perfect four that had led them straight to...

Nexus: 4. Synergy

Nexus: 4. Synergy George Washington Memorial Hospital.March 1st, 1999. “How is he?” Mulder paused outside Skinner’s hospital room and handed Scully a doughnut as she shut the door behind her. “Lousy.” She made a face, and took an...

Nexus: 3. Nemesis

Nexus: 3. Nemesis Crystal City, VA.January 20, 1999. Skinner unlocked his front door, and threw his briefcase down wearily. It was past midnight, and he had only just returned from the office. Focusing on his work was the only thing that kept him from brooding on the...

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