Hiding In Plain Sight: 6. Chapter Six

Hiding In Plain Sight: 6. Chapter Six  Gibbs glanced at himself in the mirror; black suit, white shirt, black tie. He looked appropriate for the occasion – he just wished the occasion wasn’t necessary. Maybe they’d got off lucky, losing only one person in...

Hiding In Plain Sight: 5. Chapter Five

Hiding In Plain Sight: 5. Chapter Five Lieutenant-Colonel Lorne sighed as the puddle jumper died a second time. It took all his skill to keep it from crash-landing in the marshlands – instead he did a neat nose dive and managed to bring it down relatively safely on...

Hiding In Plain Sight: 4. Chapter Four

Hiding In Plain Sight: 4. Chapter Four “Well, Abby confirms it,” Tony said, ending his radio conversation with the forensics expert from where she was working in her makeshift lab. “Tim was shot by a P-90.”“General Sheppard said there were no P-90s missing from...

Hiding In Plain Sight: 3. Chapter Three

Hiding In Plain Sight: 3. Chapter Three Gibbs wasn’t happy – he didn’t like that Rodney Sheppard had been hurt, even though it was just a minor injury. Gibbs had an old-fashioned attitude towards submissives – part chauvinist, part chivalrous – and he didn’t like...

Hiding In Plain Sight: 2. Chapter Two

Hiding In Plain Sight: 2. Chapter 2  Tim McGee was relieved to remove his work clothes and take a long, hot shower. Then he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt and padded out to sit on the balcony overlooking the ocean. He was lucky – only he, Abby and Ziva...

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