General & Dr Sheppard: 4. Sacrifice

General & Dr Sheppard: 4. Sacrifice After all his warnings to Rodney, John thought it was ironic that it was he who didn’t get much sleep that night. Between worrying about the mission and whether he’d impress the general or not, and fretting over his disturbing...

General & Dr Sheppard: 2. Culture Clash

General & Dr Sheppard: 2. Culture Clash General Sheppard was relieved when he finally got his husband back to their quarters. It had been a long and difficult day so far and he was glad to finally be alone with someone he didn’t have to explain himself...

2. Part Two

Future Perfect: 2. Part Two Skinner wasn’t sure how he stayed upright for the next hour. His life for the past few years had been one of such chaos; always on the run, always fighting, and hiding, followed by the trauma of his capture, and the unreal gilded cage...

1. Part One

Future Perfect: 1. Part One Skinner paused, fighting for breath, his chest rising and falling in heaving gasps. He glanced up, searching the dark sky for his silent enemy. He heard a noise, saw the faintest glimmer of a light above, and somehow found the strength...


Frozen He spends his first Christmas after leaving NCIS alone.It’s mid-October when he buys the old hunting cabin, high up on the mountain. He moves in with just a rucksack full of clothes, a photo of Shannon and Kelly, and a few books.At the base of the mountain...

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