2. The Gathering

Frontiers: 2. The Gathering  Mulder crouched beside Skinner, helping the big man as he carved an intricate pattern into the oak table he was working on. Mulder handed him tools, and watched as Skinner applied the finishing touches to the last acorn he was carving,...

1. Westward Leap

Frontiers: 1. Westward Leap   Mulder stormed out of Skinner’s office, and almost threw himself down the stairs in his haste to get out of the building.   “Jerk…” he muttered under his breath. “Anyone would think I was 15 years old, not thirty five.” He ran...


Family “Take a seat, Agent DiNozzo.”“Tony.” Tony gave a broad grin. “Call me Tony. Makes things less formal – I’d prefer to be on first name terms with someone who’s gonna be rummaging around in my head for the next hour.”“Tony – if that makes you feel more...


Birth-DayTony ran as fast as he could, his boots crunching on the thick snow underfoot and his breath clouding the air in front of him. The man he was chasing veered off the path, scaled a wall into a cemetery, and disappeared from sight.“Great…just the way I...

Chapter 1

Beautiful Mulder  .   Skinner sighed, and ran a shaking hand over his wide forehead, his dark eyes full of agonised distress. He stared at the photograph for several minutes, feeling anguish, fear, and a near fatal twinge of angina, before realising that,...

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