Part Three

Back from the Well: 3. Part Three Home. Rodney walked through the old, familiar city, trying to remember what it had been like to live here, in this beautiful place, away from the constant fear of beatings, rape and death. How had they never appreciated the peace...

Part Two

Back from the Well: 2. Part Two Warm hands reached for him in the dark and gentle words of comfort were whispered into his ears. John didn’t say anything, but his hands fastened even more tightly around Rodney’s body while the tears fell. Carson kissed his face,...

Part One

Back from the Well: 1. Part One  Every step hurt; the sun burned down onto his naked, lacerated shoulders, enflaming his already burning back, and the damaged fingers on his right hand throbbed incessantly. The road stretched endlessly ahead of them, with...

Chapter 1

Andy: 1. Chapter 1 2008  Gibbs knew. He knew the minute he woke up and felt an old, achingly familiar sense of foreboding in his gut. It had been a long time since his gut instinct had made its presence so strongly felt but today it was pretty much waving a...


Amnesia   “So you don’t remember anything?” The doctor asked, looking from one to the other. They stared at each other, looking for a clue. Then both shook their heads simultaneously.   “Nothing at all. What can you tell us?” The younger one asked...

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