12. Dog Days

24/7 12. Dog Days Mulder woke some time during the night. He shifted, and turned, mumbling something drowsily in his sleep, then realized that the room was lit by soft lamplight. He lay still, aware that Skinner was sitting up in bed, reading a book. His Master’s...

11. Ring, Master?

24/7: 11. Ring, Master? Mulder lay very still, one eye on the clock as the digital display gradually changed, taking him closer and closer to doomsday. 5:58, 5:59…He should have got up an hour ago. He should have swum, he should be making his Master’s coffee, and...

10. Master’s Day

24/7: 10. Master’s Day Mulder thought that the sound of his Master’s beating heart was the nicest sound in the world. He lay with his head on Skinner’s chest, just listening to that steady thrump sound, his cheek nestled against the warm fuzziness of his...

7. I Must Always Be Honest With My Master

24/7: 7. I Must Always Be Honest With My Master  Mulder paused outside Skinner’s door, carrying two cups of coffee. It was amazing – he’d only been living here for a few days, and already Skinner was allowing him to sleep in his bed, to have sex on demand, and to skip...

4. A Marked Man

27/7 4. A Marked Man Mulder heard the alarm clock beep, and rolled over, ignoring it. The beeping didn’t go away, so, with a sigh, he turned back, and opened his eyes…then sat up straight, suddenly remembering where he was, and, more importantly, what he was, and...

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