Coming Home: 17. Shield Redux

Coming Home: 17. Shield Redux  John took a shower, standing under the warm water for a long time, until he felt better. He didn’t want to think about lifebonding – what he had with Rodney was so good that he could hardly imagine anything that would make it *better*....

Coming Home: 15. Sharing A Plate

Coming Home: 15. Sharing A Plate  John paused for a moment, to feast on the sight of his submissive. Rodney looked so damn good lying there, naked save for the glinting metal of the collar around his throat; the collar that bore his own name. John moved slowly down...

Coming Home: 14. The Collaring

Coming Home: 14. The Collaring John woke several hours later, and his cock immediately responded to having Rodney so close and so naked. He lay there for several minutes, trying to ignore his aching erection, but finally he decided that as Rodney’s top he should exert...

Coming Home: 13. Shadows

Coming Home: 13. Shadows Rodney stood in the doorway, gazing after John until he was long gone. Only the rumbling of his stomach finally roused him, and he glared at the little green device on his chest, hating it. “I’m starving,” he told it reproachfully. “And I’ve...

Coming Home: 12. Shielded

Coming Home: 12. Shielded   Rodney spent the day alternately making love or sleeping like a baby in John’s arms. After his recent sleepless nights this did him the world of good, and, by the time he left John’s quarters the following morning, his entire body felt...

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