Two Wolves: 2. Thrown to the Wolves

Two Wolves: 2. Thrown to the Wolves Tony blinks and moves his head, and a jolt of pain pierces him behind the eyeballs. “You’re awake,” a voice says, and he squints up into a bright fluorescent light, wincing as the glare makes the pain in his head worse....

Two Wolves: 1. Lone Wolf

Two Wolves: 1. Lone Wolf To love a person is to learn the song That is in their heart, And to sing it to them When they have forgotten. ~ By Anonymous ~ The scent of the sawdust is the first thing he smells when he’s shoved into the holding pen. His bout is...

Two Masters: 8. Part Eight

Two Masters: 8. Part Eight Gibbs set his internal body clock to wake him in two hours – this was a trick he’d somehow acquired in the Corps. As a sniper, he’d often found himself holed up behind enemy lines, grabbing sleep on the run. It wasn’t safe to set his...

Two Masters: 6. Part Six

Two Masters: 6. Part Six Abby groaned and stretched – and was surprised when she didn’t feel the hard, wooden edge of her coffin. She came to with a start as the events of the previous evening came rushing back to her. She was at Gibbs’s house, in Gibbs’s spare...

Two Masters: 5. Part Five

Two Masters: 5. Part Five Tony was so wrung out from that marathon sex session that the rest of the day passed in a kind of a haze. He was dimly aware of them taking a long, slow shower, and of Gibbs getting dressed again. Then he followed Gibbs around the house...

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