Two Masters: 4. Part Four

Two Masters: 4. Part Four Gibbs knew something was wrong the minute he woke up the next morning. He spent a few minutes trying to figure out what it was, and then rolled over onto his side and gazed down on the mattress beside the bed – to find that it was...

Two Masters: 2. Part Two

Two Masters: 2. Part Two Gibbs walked slowly back downstairs. He made himself some coffee and went to sit down in the living room. Tony’s shirt was still on the back of the couch where he’d thrown it. Gibbs picked it up and inhaled the scent of it, remembering...

Trust No1

Trust No1 It was a sunny Saturday morning. Skinner got up, had a shower, pulled on his robe, drank a cup of coffee, and checked his mail. There were two letters. He threw one away immediately – the one proclaiming: “Congratulations, Walter F. Sginnner – You have...

The First Collar: 1. Part One

The First Collar: 1. Part One Tony took the original tapes to his bank and locked them up in a safety deposit box. When he returned home, he glanced around the apartment looking for somewhere to hide the backup disk he’d made. His gaze fell on his extensive...

The Chair: 1. Chapter 1

The Chair: 1. Chapter 1 Rodney McKay shifted restlessly in his bed, listening to the faint hum of the city reverberating around him. He had no idea why he couldn’t sleep – god knows he was exhausted enough after the past week or so, having been forced to rise to...

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