The Adversary: 4. Part Four

The Adversary: 4. Part Four  In the absence of any other instructions, the dutymen have tied Mulder, in an upright position, to the bar at the far end of the room. They’ve also threaded tight straps round his body and secured him to the post to keep him in...

The Adversary: 3. Part Three

The Adversary: 3. Part Three I’m humming to myself as I fill the Jacuzzi. He’s taken such an important step, the darling boy! I did wonder whether or not this might break him of and by itself, but it didn’t. I know when they’re broken, and he’s just damaged, not...

The Adversary: 2. Part Two

The Adversary: 2. Part Two     Charles pays me a visit later that afternoon. I have Emilia standing by but for the first time ever in our long acquaintance, it would seem that it is me he has come to visit and not any of the trainees. He looks a little the...

Ten Years On: 2. Part Two

Ten Years On: 2. Part Two  His driver dropped him off at his Georgetown townhouse and he was grateful to stand under the hot water in his shower, allowing it to soak and soothe away the night’s excesses. By the time he’d finished up and cleaned his teeth the...


Symbiosis   It always starts with an email – terse and to the point.   “My apartment. 9pm. The strap.”   It’s always the same: the place, the time, and the implement. Never any inkling of how many strokes – that would ruin the sense of anticipation. Nor...

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