Little Earth

Little Earth Summary: Scully, Mulder and Skinner’s lives are drawn together one last time by a bond too strong to be broken by their enemies, as Skinner performs an ultimate act of friendship. There are some disturbing images in this one, including rape and...

The Test

The Test Summary: Sequel to Oxford. Mulder and Skinner have trouble adapting to their new relationship. Mulder needs limits, and Skinner needs to take some advice from Mulder’s old mentor. Very long, and exceedingly painful…(whether that refers to the...


AfterSummary: A group of post-apocalyptic travellers embark on a dangerous journey.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/MulderGenre: SlashCharacters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: Action/Case, Angst, Established Relationship, Futurefic, Hurt/Comfort, RomanceRated:...


Life-Force  Summary: TPM/XF crossover story. This one pretends to be serious when clearly it’s off its head. It does have a plot though, and a pretty boy and a bald man. We should be grateful for such things. I think.Fandom: X-Files, The Phantom...


Tenses Summary: When did Mulder and Skinner first meet? Echoes from the past influence the present as a trip to Martha’s Vineyard triggers some vivid memories for both men.Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox...

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