
Insomnia  Summary: Tony and Gibbs are forced to share a bed while working a case, and Tony discovers something truly horrifying about his boss…Fandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Genre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory...

Dark Harmony

Dark Harmony Summary: Gibbs needs Tony’s submission as much as Tony needs to submit.Spoilers: NoneFandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzoGenre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory Type: Angst, BDSM, KinkRated: NC-17Warnings: Angst, BDSM, KinkWord...


Boats Summary: Gibbs explains his choice to Tony. And they talk about boats. Possibly.Fandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzoGenre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory Type: Angst, Character Study, First Time, Romance Rated: PG-13Spoilers: AliyahWarnings: NoneWord...

Puppy Love

Puppy Love Summary: Tony’s true inner self is revealed – as is his heart’s desire…Fandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzoGenre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory Type: Humour/Crack, Romance, SupernaturalRated: PGSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries: Puppy...


Sunrise     Summary: Gibbs says his last goodbyes before sailing off into retirement.      Fandom: NCIS      Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo      Genre: Slash  Characters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory Type: Angst, Romance,...

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