A Question of Trust

A Question of Trust Summary: Scully has to look after a badly injured Mulder and the only person she can trust is Skinner.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/ScullyGenre: HetCharacters: Dana Scully, Walter SkinnerStory Type: Action/Case, Angst, Character Study, First...


Poker Summary: Mulder is the prize in a poker game with a difference, and Skinner gets to wear a really nice leather outfit. Mulder suffers some gratuitous violence, and Skinner is in rescue mode.Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash    ...

The Anniversary

The Anniversary Summary: On their first anniversary, Mulder and Skinner reminisce about how their relationship began.      Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: RomanceRated: RSpoilers:...

House Arrest

House Arrest  Summary: Skinner’s been working too hard and Mulder takes firm action. A story for foot and food fetishists.      Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type:...

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