Into The Night

Into The Night Summary: An old friend returns to Skinner’s life seeking respite.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/Dale CooperGenre: Slash      Characters: Walter SkinnerStory Type: CrossoverRated: RSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries: NoneWord Count:...

The Wall

The Wall  Summary: When one of Skinner’s old Vietnam buddies disappears, the Assistant Director goes undercover in a drug gang to find out what happened to him – and Mulder decides to join the mission.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/MulderGenre:...

R & R

R & R  Summary: Skinner goes away on a pot-smoking hike, only to encounter a little local difficulty…      Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: BDSM, SpankingRated:...

Quality Time

Quality Time Summary: Fluff and nonsense.Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/everyone      Genre: Slash, het      Characters: Walter SkinnerStory Type: Humour/CrackRated: RSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries: NoneWord Count: 1,812Chapters: 1Published: N/K...

A Foreign Country

A Foreign Country  Summary: Mulder takes his lover on a trip into the past. A gentle story of discovery and rediscovery.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/MulderGenre: SlashCharacters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: Established Relationship,...

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