
Enslaved   Summary: Mulder is abducted and forced to endure sexual torment.Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: BDSMRated: NC-17Spoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries: NoneWord...


Nexus     Summary: Skinner’s past as a victim of experimentation in Vietnam comes back to haunt him, entangling Mulder and Scully in a complex web that binds the three of them inextricably together. Excerpt: “Mulder held out his hand, and Scully...


Hair  Summary: A hot day, two tired men, and one of them has too many questions      Fandom: X-Files      Pairing: Skinner/Mulder      Genre: Slash      Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: SchmoopRated: PGSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries:...


Betrayal  Summary: Skinner and Mulder unravel a betrayal that has all but destroyed their relationship.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/MulderGenre: Slash      Characters: Skinner/MulderStory Type: AngstRated: NC-17Spoilers: SR819Warnings: NoneSeries:...


Waiting  Summary: A, uh, blow by blow account of some of the thoughts going through Mulder’s head. Short and silly.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: NoneGenre: GenCharacters: MulderStory Type: Humour/Crack, disciplineRated: PGSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries:...

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