Xanthe’s Blog

Entry Six: It’s the Final Countdown!

I feel like I've been a novel-hermit for the past couple of months, so I'm looking forward to publishing it and then, frankly, having lots of fun going out and doing stuff! Luckily, it's my birthday on 11/11, so I have lots of nice things planned. I'm going to see...

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Entry Five: Formatting, Fonts, ISBNs and Hard Copies

I'm in the middle of yet another edit, trying to smooth and improve, and easing out any final clunkiness. When that's done I'll do my hard copy edit which is where I print it out and go through it, marking things up with a pen. It's amazing how many small, stupid...

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Entry Four: More Funkorama…and Marketing!

Now the novel is off to beta, I seem to be going through another funk. Really, this has been a rollercoaster of an experience. I think it'll be useful to me in the future to remember I felt this way! I always forget with each long story all the hard patches with...

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I've been working on an original character novel set in the BDSM universe for the past few months. I've now finished it and sent it to my betas, so I finally feel able to do the first teaser post. Squee! I'll do some more of these in the next few weeks and hope to...

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Entry Three: Ups and Downs

So, first off - YAY - the novel is finished. Except - BOO - no it isn't. When I saw flyingnorth yesterday, she asked me how I felt about it. I said I thought it needed to be a lot shorter, and she gave me a surprised look and said "No, it needs to be longer - the...

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Sooooooo is it time for Writing Blog Entry 3 yet?

It's been over a month since Entry 2! How is it going Xanthe? How many words have you written? Is it nearly finished? When do we get to read a 'teaser'? Trust me…..if you have been watching the Olympics instead of writing I am not going to be pleased! I think we need...

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Entry Two: Long Stories

I'm so sorry for being a bit quiet, but I'm writing like crazy at the moment. I completely love this story, and I think I've written about 14,000 words in the last 2 days! It's so exciting bringing it altogether, and I'm having such fun with it. I've also had a lot of...

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Entry One

I thought I’d start a writing blog, to document my progress in writing the Original Character novel and explain some of my thought processes along the way, and to invite any help, encouragement and/or advice you want to throw my way :-).

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Favourite existing OC

Saw the poll in the fiction section and decided to start a discussion here since nobody else had ;D I voted for Laurence from The Adversary. This character had a huge impact on me, (and this is one of my all time fav stories ever – I think Laurence was a large part of...

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