Xanthe’s Blog

Original Character Novel Ideas

Further to my blog post ā€“ leaving aside turning my fanfiction into original character fic ā€“ if I were to write a completely new novel, set in a universe of my own devising, which would you be most interested in reading?

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Original Character Novels Discussion Post

First off - thank you SO MUCH for all your help in the past few days. I decided to go with the excerpt from Hands in the end just because it came from a shorter story and didn't need so much explaining to make sense :-). The interview went really well - apart from the...

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Happy New Year!

As usual, here's my end of year fic round up! Stats I wrote 10 stories (only one fewer than last year!) 7 of them were NCIS (all Gibbs/DiNozzo) 3 of them were Suits (all Harvey/Mike). 6 of them were vanilla slash 4 of them were spanky or BDSM That's a total of 211,176...

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Dr Who Cast Wrap Videos – Hilarious!

I had to post these in my blog because I want as many people to see them as possible. Seriously - go view them now! They were made for the wrap party at the end of RTD's reign on Dr Who! OMFG! David Tenant sings about John Barrowman getting his cock out IN character...

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New Suits Resource Post

Casness has made a great new Suits resource post on LJ here. It's got all you need to know about Suits - where to find it, who the main players are, etc etc.

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Gabriel and Patrick do a Press Conference!

teatralka17 just posted this to the LJ usa_suits community. Apparently Gabriel and Patrick did a press conference recently and these are some pics from it. I have no idea what was talked about but I LOVE LOVE LOVE how scruffy/casual they are in RL! It must kill them...

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All About Suits!

I've posted a new story today in the Suits fandom. Suits is a new show that aired on the USA network over the summer and was an instant hit because of it's sharp dialogue, intelligent writing, and the central relationship between Mike and Harvey. What grabbed me,...

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New Fic: Possession

Possession Title: Possession Author: Xanthe Fandom: Suits Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross Rating: NC-17 Category: Slash Genre: Romance, angst, first time Warnings: Loving, consensual BDSM Wordcount: 36,500 Status: Complete Summary: Louis wants to steal Mike from...

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Xanthe.org has had a facelift!

Welcome to my new look website! Iā€™m really excited by the new look. Please visit and take a look around. There are forums where people can chat about their favourite TV shows ā€“ I especially wanted a place for spankers and slashers to meet and chat in peace as well so...

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